Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Reflective Journal 5

Reflective Journal 5

Q According to the text, the Counselor of Tomorrow needs to possess the following 16 traits: 1. Lifelong Learner 2. Says active in professional organizations 3. Uses evidence to make decisions 4. Eclectic or Integrative 5. Open to promising practices 6. Technologically savvy 7. Social Justice Advocate for clients and the profession 8. Reflective practitioner 9. Ethically Aware 10. Able to read and evaluate research 11. Able to work with couples, families, individuals and groups 12. Culturally aware and competent 13. Understand and accepts differences 14. Uses assessment data to plan treatment 15. Has a plan for maintaining wellness 16. Is a leader at work Think about yourself in relation to these characteristics. Using a 1-10 scale (with 1 being the least and 10 being the most), rate the extent to which each of these characteristics currently manifests in you. After you provide a rating for each characteristic, consider those that you rated the highest. What do these characteristics say about your strengths? Are you able to identify any themes that link these salient characteristics? What about the characteristics that you rated the lowest? What do these characteristics have in common? What do you think that you can do to strengthen them? To create your journal entry, click on "Create Journal Entry" at the top of this page. On the next screen, title your entry "Reflective Journal 5", and type your response in the box provided. You may copy/paste text from a Word document into the box, if you prefer.

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1. Lifelong Learner-7 2. Says active in professional organizations-2 3. Uses evidence to make decisions-8 4. Eclectic or Integrative-6 5. Open to promising practices-9 6. Technologically savvy-8 7. Social Justice Advocate for clients and the profession-8 8. Reflective practitioner-8 9. Ethically Aware-9 10. Able to read and evaluate research-5